Jeff Chang

Jeff Chang

Prosper, Texas, United States
3K followers 500+ connections


Just a guy looking to change our world for the better.

Started college at 13, med…


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  • Rad AI Graphic

    Rad AI

    San Francisco Bay Area

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    Greensboro, NC

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    San Francisco, CA

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    Manhattan Beach, CA

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    Santa Monica, CA

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    Los Angeles, CA

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    Hartford, CT

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    Houston, TX


  • NYU Grossman School of Medicine Graphic

    NYU Grossman School of Medicine


    Activities and Societies: Member of the Student Life Committee - Faculty Council, Co-chair of the Emergency Medicine Club, Co-chair of the Arie Foundation (pediatric non-profit founded at NYU), Treasurer for the NYU Langone Medical Center Christian Fellowship, Bass Leader for the Muscletones a cappella group, Health Instructor at the 29th St Men's Shelter, Emergency Medicine Summer Fellowship at Bellevue Hospital

    Granted medical degree from NYU at age 20

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    Activities and Societies: Created just-in-time physical donations web app at Impact48 (with Edinburgh Cyrenians, named one of the most innovative nonprofits in the UK), launched Surfer mobile marketing platform at Startup Weekend Oslo (now in an advisory role), "Most Technically Innovative" Award at Startup Weekend Glasgow (Cleantech / Sustainability) - with Cloudlet / Ion 14 (a Docker container startup, for further abstracting startup infrastructure)

    Machine learning, extreme computing and information retrieval. Interest in neural net design / progress in deep learning, the current state of startup infrastructure, and Docker Linux containers for DevOps automation.

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    Activities and Societies: VP FEMBA of 700-member Entrepreneur Association, GAP Consultant for Mylab China - Beijing, 1st Place in Wake Forest Biotechnology MBA Competition (J&J Diabetes), helped charter Anderson Toastmasters, UCLA Anderson 2011 Venture Capital Investment Competition Team, FEMBA Director - Anderson Christian Fellowship, External Rep - 2012 Section 4, 1st year Director for the Marketing Association, industry advisor for Tribogenics (UCLA technology) team, helped organize Knapp Competition

    Gloria Appel Prize in Entrepreneurship

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    Activities and Societies: Summa cum laude, Dean's List, Science Scholar, IBM Watson Scholarship, Chemistry Alpha Chi Sigma Award, NIH Intramural Research Award, Fundraising chair for Alpha Pi chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma, News/Features writer for the GWU Hatchet (student newspaper), First Violinist with the Washington Symphony Orchestra 1997-2000

    Started at age 13, skipping four years of high school; finished in three years with Chemistry / Biology double major, minor in Sociology

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    Activities and Societies: Presented at zCon 2013 (first zSpace Developer Conference), Research track. "The Future of Neuroimaging: A 3D Exploration of Traumatic Brain Injury." 4/22/2013, Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA.

    90+ hours of pair programming each week; Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, MySQL & Redis. Explored Node.js and JS frameworks including Meteor; TDD, Git team workflow and best practices.



  • EvaBot AI

    - Present

    Investor in EvaBot

  • OTAinfo

    - Present

    Investor in OTAinfo

  • Stealth AI startup (YC W18)

    - Present

    Investor in stealth AI startup

  • Voicery (YC W18)

    - Present

    Investor in Voicery

  • Boxouse (YC W17)

    - Present

    Investor in Boxouse

  • Buypower (YC W17)

    - Present

    Investor in Buypower

  • Collectly (YC W17)

    - Present

    Investor in Collectly

  • Indee (YC W17)

    - Present

    Investor in indee

  • Movebutter (YC W17)

    - Present

    Investor in Movebutter

  • Shipamax (YC W17)

    - Present

    Investor in Shipamax

  • Sinovia (YC W17)

    - Present

    Investor in Sinovia

  • Supr (YC W17)

    - Present

    Investor in Supr

  • Vinsight (YC W17)

    - Present

    Investor in Vinsight

  • Global Medical Nonprofit project

    - Present

    Part of the Medical Advisory Board

  • Seneca Systems (YC S16)

    - Present

    Investor in Seneca Systems

  • SimpleCitizen (YC S16)

    - Present

    Investor in SimpleCitizen

  • Starsky Robotics (YC S16)

    - Present

    Investor in Starsky Robotics

  • Astrobotic

    - Present

    Investor in Astrobotic

  • Standard Cyborg (YC W15)

    - Present

    Investor in Standard Cyborg

  • Alara

    - Present

    A comprehensive retirement benefit solution for startups and SMBs

    Other creators
  • Storyward

    A seven day project to build a functional, useful and beautiful site from scratch. We constructed a collaborative story building app in which users can create and branch off from any story. A user can go back to a location in the story of his or her choice, and branch off from that story in whatever way they see fit. The project was built using the Ruby on Rails framework. We implemented fully customized collapsible drag-and-drop zoomable force graphs and force groups in D3 (Data Driven…

    A seven day project to build a functional, useful and beautiful site from scratch. We constructed a collaborative story building app in which users can create and branch off from any story. A user can go back to a location in the story of his or her choice, and branch off from that story in whatever way they see fit. The project was built using the Ruby on Rails framework. We implemented fully customized collapsible drag-and-drop zoomable force graphs and force groups in D3 (Data Driven Documents) for user navigation. Unit and integration tests implemented.

    The code can be viewed at

    Other creators
    See project


  • Space Angels Network


    - Present
  • Y Combinator

    helping with YC Hardware

    - Present
  • Association for Computing Machinery


    - Present


  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


    - Present

    Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Automation, Cybernetics and Consumer Electronics

  • Radiological Society of North America


    - Present
  • American College of Radiology


    - Present
  • Christian Medical and Dental Associations (CMDA)


    - Present

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