Gauthier Vasseur

Gauthier Vasseur

Menlo Park, California, United States
9K followers 500+ connections


Trainer, professor, thought leader, and international speaker, I share my cross domain…

Articles by Gauthier

  • 10 minutes pour comprendre la data dans le sport !

    10 minutes pour comprendre la data dans le sport !

    J'adore quand on parle de la data et de l'analytique simplement, avec surtout une vue vraiment holistique du sujet…

  • To Spreadsheet Hell and Back

    To Spreadsheet Hell and Back

    As a former controller, chief accountant and auditor, I've had my share of spreadsheets. I figuratively and literally…

  • Oops, I did it again: another data/pregnancy story

    Oops, I did it again: another data/pregnancy story

    Last week, my niece came to me with an advertising mail: a parenting insurance promotion for Gerber Life Insurance had…

    1 Comment
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  • University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business Graphic
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    Menlo Park

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    Menlo Park

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    Menlo Park

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    Palo Alto, CA

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    Palo Alto, California

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    Palo Alto, CA

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    Menlo Park, CA

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    San Leandro

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    Mountain View

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    Redwood Shores

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    Santa Clara

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    Nantes Area, France

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  • MBA - EDHEC Business School


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Volunteer Experience

  • Mentor

    Google Launchpad San Francisco

    - Present 7 years 11 months

    Science and Technology

    Helping entrepreneurs make the best of their data and develop data-driven marketing strategies to fast track their startup development.

  • Vice President - Brazilian adoption programs

    Adoption et Parrainage de la Charente

    - 2 years 9 months


    - Enabled 32 children to find a loving family over 2 years.
    - Led a complete reorganization of our internal processes for better compliance and transparency, faster processes and lower financial costs for the families.
    - Direct involvement in family interviews and adopted children support and mentoring
    - Create solid political, legal and operational relationships with local Brazilian authorities, foster homes, - French administration, Airline companies and local lodging.

  • Mentor

    Collège Saint Joseph

    - 3 years


    Mentored young teenagers with weekly meet-ups on the topic of their choice. We still all feel grateful for these moments of sharing and debating, even a decade after.


  • Devenez Un Data Pionnier

    Editions Mardaga

    Ce livre concentre tout ce que vous devez savoir pour maîtriser vos données et produire des analyses non seulement pertinentes, justes et efficaces mais également durables et éthiques. Il couvre l’ensemble du domaine au travers de ses aspects technologique, data, processus et humain. Il est le fruit de décennies d’expériences en finance et opération, en enseignement professionnel et supérieur et en recherche.

    Quelles sont les 5 raisons de lire cet ouvrage ?

    - Apprendre à…

    Ce livre concentre tout ce que vous devez savoir pour maîtriser vos données et produire des analyses non seulement pertinentes, justes et efficaces mais également durables et éthiques. Il couvre l’ensemble du domaine au travers de ses aspects technologique, data, processus et humain. Il est le fruit de décennies d’expériences en finance et opération, en enseignement professionnel et supérieur et en recherche.

    Quelles sont les 5 raisons de lire cet ouvrage ?

    - Apprendre à travailler avec confiance et efficacité avec sa donnée
    - Grandir dans son métier en gagnant visibilité et temps
    - Devenir un partenaire de valeur des équipes informatiques et data science
    - Saisir les opportunités encore cachées dans nos données grâce à une meilleure préparation, visualisation et analyse et au machine learning.
    - Répondre aux défis de l’entreprise par des approches factuelles et holistiques

    See publication
  • Embracing Data Analytics

    Harvard Business Review

    Today’s organizations are awash in data. Although business leaders know that data has great value, their track records for using it to produce business value are mixed. Some organizations are analyzing and using data to produce benefits, but many fail to take full advantage of analytics to reach their most strategic goals. This articles looks deeper in the reasons for this.

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  • The Treasury Data Revolution- a Giant Leap for the Treasurer

    The treasury function has always lacked access to Business Intelligence solutions to run analytics. However, even though they are common in many other lines of business, BI solutions have struggled to connect insights to actions. Treasurers now have a unique opportunity to leapfrog these traditional approaches and embrace a whole new paradigm: the one of big data analysis and predictive analytics.

    Other authors
    See publication
  • Quick Start UDI Compliance Today

    YouTube upload

    In this one-hour recording of a joint webinar presented December 11, 2013, Gauthier Vasseur of Semarchy and I discuss what you can do now to address the data challenges of unique device identification (UDI) compliance and meet the FDA's deadlines with confidence.

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    See publication
  • The impact of BI on PEO profitability

    PEO Insider

    How analytics can improve bottom line and service quality in the PEO (Professional Employer Organization) industry.

    See publication
  • The New Imperative for Business Schools

    TDWI Magazine

    Why Business Intelligence and Performance Management should be part of Business School curricula.

    Other authors
    See publication
  • Les Systèmes d'Informations font leur mutation

    Lettre du Trésorier

    How Financial Systems are helping treasurers

    See publication
  • Database helps to lift spirit

    Financial Times

    How Business Intelligence supported Remy Cointreau development

    Other authors
    • rod newing
    See publication

Honors & Awards

  • Red Dot Award


    Redesigned the UI/UX of Trufa's application with Trufa's engineering and creative firm NonObject and their lead creative Suncica Lukic. Focused on creating a natural analytical path for the users to take them from discovery to question, to investigation and actions. Embraced new colors (grey, black, and orange) to match the reliable and high-performance statistics of the solution.

  • Médaille de la Défense Nationale

    French Air Force


  • French

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • English

    Full professional proficiency

  • German

    Limited working proficiency

  • Latin ;-)

    Limited working proficiency

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