Emeka O.

Emeka O.

Chicago, Illinois, United States
3K followers 500+ connections


Determination, an overwhelming sense of positivity, and a knack for time management are…



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    Hershey, PA

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    Amherst College Center for Community Engagement

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    Amherst College Career Center

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    Amherst, MA

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    Amherst, MA

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    Amherst, MA

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    Amherst, MA

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    Amherst, MA (Amherst Regional Middle School)


  • Amherst College Graphic

    Amherst College

    Activities and Societies: Former Black Students' Union Senior Chair, La Causa (Latino Affinity Group) Member, Community Engagement Orientation Trip Leader, Peer Career Advisor, A Better Chance Mentor/Tutor, College Admissions Telementor

  • Activities and Societies: Former Vice President for Black Graduate Professional Students Association (BGPSA)

    Focus on Human Resources and Dispute Resolution

    Course work included:
    Human Resource Management
    Managing Operations
    Labor Relations and Law
    Mediating Organizational Conflicts
    Organizational Behavior
    Business, Strategy & Finance for HR

  • Semester in Strategic Operations (SSO) Immersion Participant

    Course work:
    Management Cases
    Data Analytics
    Managerial Accounting
    The Business Idea Factory
    Strategic Ops Practicum

  • Semester abroad

Licenses & Certifications

Volunteer Experience

  • Braven Graphic

    Leadership Coach


    - Present 3 years 9 months

    Economic Empowerment

    The principal facilitators of the Braven Accelerator course are our extraordinary Leadership Coaches. As a Leadership Coach, you will guide and motivate a team of 5-8 promising college students weekly as they prepare to make their first steps into the professional world.

    At the same time, you’ll get real-world practice leading diverse teams. Ninety-nine percent of our coaches said that the role helped them develop and practice skills transferable to their own professional development and…

    The principal facilitators of the Braven Accelerator course are our extraordinary Leadership Coaches. As a Leadership Coach, you will guide and motivate a team of 5-8 promising college students weekly as they prepare to make their first steps into the professional world.

    At the same time, you’ll get real-world practice leading diverse teams. Ninety-nine percent of our coaches said that the role helped them develop and practice skills transferable to their own professional development and goals.

  • Member

    New York Urban League Young Professionals

    - Present 4 years 10 months

    Civil Rights and Social Action

    Composed of 200+ young professionals, NYULYP is an auxiliary group that furthers the work and scope of the New York Urban League. we provide leadership development, civic engagement, economic empowerment, social justice, and community service initiatives throughout the five boroughs.

  • Soccer and Basketball Trainer

    Amherst Special Olympics

    - 9 months


    Assistant trainer for Amherst Special Olympics in soccer and basketball
    Supported the athletes through various basketball and soccer drills
    Dedicated 2.5 hours a week to each sport during their respective season


  • Multicultural Resource Center Redevelopment--Summer Phase


    In response to on-campus incidents regarding sexual assault and racism, a group of students and I led a movement to revitalize our defunct Multicultural Resource Center. After meeting with the school president, we were able to relocate the center into a more visible part of campus and hire a full-time director. Two students and I were then part of the subsequent search committee to hire a full-time director. This committee was comprised of the school’s provost as well as senior staff and…

    In response to on-campus incidents regarding sexual assault and racism, a group of students and I led a movement to revitalize our defunct Multicultural Resource Center. After meeting with the school president, we were able to relocate the center into a more visible part of campus and hire a full-time director. Two students and I were then part of the subsequent search committee to hire a full-time director. This committee was comprised of the school’s provost as well as senior staff and faculty. Once we selected a new director, us students proposed and actualized a plan to visit thriving multicultural centers in the northeast. This traveling team consisted of five students and our newly hired director. We collaborated on every decision regarding the nascent center including the architectural layout, alumni fundraising, branding, and a mission statement. This experience helped us craft a development strategy for the center, which we then compiled into a collectively written final report.

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  • Black Alumni Weekend 2011


    As the Alumni Liaison for the Black Students Union (BSU) I served as the connection between Amherst Black alumni and current students. During my freshman I declined an offer by the BSU Senior to run for the Junior Chair position and decided instead to seek election as Alumni Liaison. I chose to run for Alumni Liaison because I wanted a position with significant responsibilities; the bi-annual Black Alumni Weekend the following spring gave me that responsibility. In lieu of hosting a specific…

    As the Alumni Liaison for the Black Students Union (BSU) I served as the connection between Amherst Black alumni and current students. During my freshman I declined an offer by the BSU Senior to run for the Junior Chair position and decided instead to seek election as Alumni Liaison. I chose to run for Alumni Liaison because I wanted a position with significant responsibilities; the bi-annual Black Alumni Weekend the following spring gave me that responsibility. In lieu of hosting a specific affinity group weekend, Amherst Alumni and Parent Programming (APP) decided to host a multi-affinity group weekend celebrating culture and identity. This change caused some stirrings among the Amherst Black alumni and upperclassmen. However, BSU was committed to hosting its allotted events and I was determined to keep over thirty years worth of tradition alive. I met with APP directors weekly to convey BSU and alumni interests to the college. Although the event garnered words of respect and expected participant results, I wanted more for the students on campus and the alumni hoping to build a stronger connection to the college. Following my reelection and vote tenure extension from one semester to one academic year, I carried summer planning into the fall determined to build the strongest possible connection between students and Black alumni, and to host the most successful Black Alumni Weekend. As Alumni Liaison I created several initiatives including an alumni/BSU mentorship program, campus-wide Black alumni speaker series, student representation on the Amherst Black Alumni Listserv, and commemorative “Distinguished Alumni Award”. My most important role, however, was leading a committee of twenty-two students and alumni for one academic year planning and organizing the 2011 Black Alumni Weekend. With activities expanded and participation over triple previous years, I received congratulations and gratitude from Amherst leadership, faculty, alumni, and students.

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Honors & Awards

  • 1st Place - Cornell MILR 2017 Case Competition

    JPMorgan Chase and Cornell’s ILR School

    Each year the graduate ILR program and the Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS) host a case competition for first-year MILR students. At the end of the first semester, students are given a true-to-life case scenario. Professors from the MILR program and executives from CAHRS partner companies serve as judges for the case. Cases are typically broad in scope and have a different theme each year.
    In 2017, JPMorgan Chase was the CAHRS partner and provided the theme – disruption -…

    Each year the graduate ILR program and the Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS) host a case competition for first-year MILR students. At the end of the first semester, students are given a true-to-life case scenario. Professors from the MILR program and executives from CAHRS partner companies serve as judges for the case. Cases are typically broad in scope and have a different theme each year.
    In 2017, JPMorgan Chase was the CAHRS partner and provided the theme – disruption - and the case scenario – how to maintain or enhance market position in the face of disruption?

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