Alok Jethanandani
“I have had the pleasure of working with Bryan for more than two years. During that time, we worked very closely together on projects at ZURB, a company founded by Bryan, a thought leader in the design consulting space. This note is my personal recommendation for Bryan Zmijweski.
One of the first things that stand out in my mind about Bryan is his intensity. He pushes you to be great. Under his mentorship, I became a better designer every quarter. Bryan, I can’t thank you enough for developing future design leaders!
Bryan possesses one of the most important yet ‘hard to find’ traits in a person—zealousness. Without Bryan, ZURB just wouldn’t be ZURB. It’s the enthusiasm he brings to the company that influences the people, the work and ultimately the company culture. I recall many conversations where Bryan didn’t settle for something where he felt you could have done better—he motivated me and other ZURBians to push beyond our past limits. It was this quality in particular that I can’t find elsewhere, and I’m positive it’s one of the secrets to why ZURB is a cutting edge design firm.
It is for these reasons that I offer high recommendations for Bryan without reservation. I couldn’t be where I am without his personal commitment to make me a better designer. Thank you, Bryan.”