With nearly 30 years of experience in finance and entrepreneurship, I have a passion for…
Articles by Bo
You’re struggling to communicate effectively. How can you turn things around?
Bah! Forget logic. No one went to war for logical reasoning. What you need is to connect at an emotional level with your audience. Emotions sell. Emotions drive us to action. Emotions cause a frightened soldier to take. that. hill. So, smartypants, how does one connect emotionally? First off, double down on #2 above: know thy audience. And then: (A) Get vulnerable -- tell your audience why it matters to you, and possibly to them. (B) Break the pattern -- say what no one expects you to say. This might be a good place to observe an unpleasant but factual fact. (C) Say the thing that no one wants to say, and few want to hear. You will be rewarded for your bravery if nothing else. Look 'em in the eye; tremble a little. Let 'er rip.
What are the most effective ways to showcase your startup's corporate culture and values in a pitch deck?
More important than telling about your mission, values, etc., is showing *alignment* with those values. The whole idea of a company is to march to the beat of a single drum; to have all paddles in the water, pulling together to make the boat go faster. How do you show alignment? Prove it with a bi-weekly measurement of your employee Net Promoter Score. Don't know what eNPS is? Go check out OfficeVibe. When I took over as leader of Fintech Nexus, our eNPS was negative 26, which indicated big problems in team morale at the very least. Three years later we reached a positive 100 NPS (the highest score possible); not only did this show high morale, but the point is this: we had *quantified total alignment* to our values and culture.
What are the early signs of stress in entrepreneurs?
Sleep is at the base of my pyramid of health. This pyramid is not unlike Maslow's hierarchy of needs, in that nothing can make up for a lack of rest. Without sleep I am virtually incompetent. I keep a journal where I track ten "entrepreneurial health" data points daily. Four of the ten entires relate to sleep: (a) bedtime last night, (b) wake time today, (c) total time asleep, (d) total deep sleep. All of this data is reported via my watch, and I write it into my journal every morning. This practice ensures that I'm not just measuring but *tracking* my sleep stats, and holding myself accountable. When I begin to compromise any single vector, I'm the first to know it and I can proactively correct it.
How do you handle startup uncertainty?
Remember that your mental health is built on a pyramid of behaviors that support it. For me, I consider sleep to be the base of my pyramid. Without sleep, I can go about 24-36 hours before collapsing. That's why it's at the foundation. I shoot for 7h30 each night. Next comes sustenance -- healthy liquids and foods. Without those, you're cheating yourself of clean fuel. Beyond that, you must get sufficient exercise; by this, I mean you are breaking a sweat several times a week. I walk to work; it's about two miles each way (25 minutes), and that's perfect podcast time. There are more levels to the pyramid of mental health, but without these three layers, you will not be able to cope with material uncertainty for any significant period.
Licenses & Certifications
Equity Compensation Values and Valuation
National Center for Employee Ownership Issue Brief
White paper describing the benefits of providing liquidity to early investors and employees in private, high-growth companies.
Angel Liquidity repairs the Venture System
White paper explaining the importance of providing liquidity options to early investors and employees in high-growth startups.
Entrepreneurs' Organization
- Present
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