Brian L.

Brian L.

San Francisco Bay Area
2K followers 500+ connections


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  • Frens Graphic
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    Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina Area

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    Cary, NC

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    Princeton, NJ


  • Duke University Graphic

    Duke University


    Activities and Societies: • Catalyst Tech/Social Preprofessional - Rush Chair, Vice President • Blueprint Sustainability Conference - Conference Organizer, Web Designer • Science Olympiad - Fundraising Chair, Treasurer

    I left Duke early to build Glimpse during Y Combinator's W20 batch.

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    Activities and Societies: • Graduation Speaker • Student Liaison to Princeton Public Schools Board of Education, • Science Olympiad - Engineering Captain • Euro Challenge - Captain • Science Bowl - Captain • Vice President of Sophomore Class • Ideas Tutoring Center - Board Member

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Licenses & Certifications

Volunteer Experience

  • Treasurer, Fundraising Chair

    Duke Science Olympiad

    - Present 7 years 7 months


    Along with the rest of the executive team, I organized the inaugural Duke Science Olympiad Invitational Tournament that brought over 400 high school students to Duke's campus for a day of hands-on and collaborative STEM events. I raised $10,800 through grant requests to various departments and managed the budget for all purchases relating to the event.

  • Website Designer

    Princeton CHOOSE

    - 7 months

    Civil Rights and Social Action

    - Updating website regularly for non-profit racial literacy organization (
    - Designed, optimized, and launched mobile version of site

  • Tutor (Head of Tutor Training)

    Princeton High School Ideas Center

    - 2 years 1 month


    - Directed tutor training program for 150 students with focus on differentiated instruction
    - Established new SAT/ACT tutoring program that provided economically disadvantaged students with tutoring services
    - Organized new student orientations, college discussion panels, and school-wide community service days



  • Asian American Civil Rights

    HISTORY 183

  • Biological Bases of Behavior

    NEUROSCI 101

  • Blockchain & Innovation


  • Computer Architecture

    Computer Science 250

  • Contemporary Economic Issues


  • Data Structures & Algorithms

    Computer Science 201

  • Databases

    COMPSCI 316

  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    COMPSCI 330

  • Discrete Math for Computer Science

    Computer Science 230

  • Duke Investment Club Training Program


  • Elements of Machine Learning

    Computer Science 371

  • Globalization and Public Policy

    PUBPOL 212

  • Intermediate Microeconomics I

    Economics 201

  • Intermediate Microeconomics II

    Economics 205

  • Linear Algebra

    Math 216

  • Machine Learning

    Stanford on Coursera

  • Multivariable Calculus

    Math 212

  • People & Poverty: Policymaking

    ECON 369

  • Probability & Statistical Inference

    Statistics 111

  • Technology Commercialization

    I&E 281

  • Technology Research Translation

    I&E 710

  • Understanding US-China Relations

    CHINESE 450S


  • foresite

    foresite is a platform that crowd-sources natural disaster data by sending convenient push notifications to devices in the vicinity of a reported event. This enables nearby users to either confirm or deny the report and employ a network effect of data collection across devices. foresite was featured by Wharton's Risk Management and Decision Processes Center as a Top 10 Hack for Resilience at PennApps 2018 (


    foresite is a platform that crowd-sources natural disaster data by sending convenient push notifications to devices in the vicinity of a reported event. This enables nearby users to either confirm or deny the report and employ a network effect of data collection across devices. foresite was featured by Wharton's Risk Management and Decision Processes Center as a Top 10 Hack for Resilience at PennApps 2018 (

    I built Google Cloud Functions with node.js for deploying automatic push notifications via Firebase Cloud Messaging. I worked with Firebase to structure and query data pushed between devices. I also implemented Google Maps and CoreLocation services in iOS.

    Other creators
    See project
  • recognEYES - iOS App

    recognEyes is a mobile application that helps teach young children languages through visual and audio vocabulary sourced from their local physical environment. Children are able to take photos of objects around them, and image recognition is run on the photos to identify the terms that most accurately describe the subject. AR labels are then placed on the screen so that children can see the spelling of the name next to the object itself. recognEyes won the Best Use of Microsoft API at HackDuke…

    recognEyes is a mobile application that helps teach young children languages through visual and audio vocabulary sourced from their local physical environment. Children are able to take photos of objects around them, and image recognition is run on the photos to identify the terms that most accurately describe the subject. AR labels are then placed on the screen so that children can see the spelling of the name next to the object itself. recognEyes won the Best Use of Microsoft API at HackDuke 2017.

    I worked on integrating Microsoft Vision to perform image recognition and the corresponding labeling of objects using ARKit.

    Other creators
    See project
  • ComFi


    ComFi is a mobile application that helps individuals leverage the power of community to build better financial habits. Through the use of the Plaid and Facebook APIs, ComFi enables users to monitor their spending habits and collaborate with their friends to encourage long term budgeting. ComFi was the winner of the Best Use of Facebook API Award at HackDuke 2018 and a finalist in the 2018 Carolina FinTech Hub Competition.

    I integrated the Plaid API for accessing bank account information…

    ComFi is a mobile application that helps individuals leverage the power of community to build better financial habits. Through the use of the Plaid and Facebook APIs, ComFi enables users to monitor their spending habits and collaborate with their friends to encourage long term budgeting. ComFi was the winner of the Best Use of Facebook API Award at HackDuke 2018 and a finalist in the 2018 Carolina FinTech Hub Competition.

    I integrated the Plaid API for accessing bank account information and the Facebook API for logging in and retrieving user/friends info. I wrote the code making API calls with completion handlers to get information from the Firebase database, and used third party charting software to provide data visualizations

    Other creators
    See project
  • TesseractForCSV - iOS App


    An iOS application that converts an image of a table into a .csv file by using Tesseract OCR and additional formatting algorithms. Data from an image is received as a string with significant amounts of noise due to inaccuracies in Tesseract. This data is processed by using a best-guess algorithm to predict the number of columns in the data, and then each row has excess values removed by shortest length to match the likely number of columns. The resultant .csv file is saved to the application…

    An iOS application that converts an image of a table into a .csv file by using Tesseract OCR and additional formatting algorithms. Data from an image is received as a string with significant amounts of noise due to inaccuracies in Tesseract. This data is processed by using a best-guess algorithm to predict the number of columns in the data, and then each row has excess values removed by shortest length to match the likely number of columns. The resultant .csv file is saved to the application memory.

    See project
  • PokéPal - iOS App


    - Developed mobile application to help people find nearby friends for social gaming
    - Used FB OAuth to ensure safety and Firebase to handle backend data transfer of location between users

    See project

Honors & Awards

  • Dean's List

    Duke University Trinity College of Arts and Sciences

  • Dean's List

    Duke University Trinity College of Arts and Sciences

  • Graduation Speaker


  • National AP Scholar

    The College Board

  • Gold Key Award for Meritorious Service

    Princeton High School

    School-wide award given to those who demonstrate exceptional service, character, and leadership within Princeton High School and the community.

  • Winner of 2015 Euro Challenge National Finals

    European Union


  • French

    Limited working proficiency

  • Chinese

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • English

    Native or bilingual proficiency

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