Armon Dadgar

Armon Dadgar

Seattle, Washington, United States
25K followers 500+ connections


I have a passion for security and distributed systems and their application to real world…

Articles by Armon

  • HashiCorp officially joins the IBM family

    HashiCorp officially joins the IBM family

    Today we announced that HashiCorp has officially joined the IBM family as the acquisition announced last year was…

  • HashiConf '24 Reflections

    HashiConf '24 Reflections

    I had a great time at our 10th #HashiConf this week, held in Boston for the first time. More than just a set of product…

  • Five Trends in Cloud Infrastructure and What They Mean

    Five Trends in Cloud Infrastructure and What They Mean

    At our user conference, HashiConf, I shared some thoughts in my keynote about the infrastructure trends we’re seeing…

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  • Informed Privilege-Complexity Trade-Offs in RBAC Configuration

    ACM SACMAT '20

    Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) has the potential both to simplify administration and improve an organization's security. But for non-trivial configurations, there is a conflict between defining fine-grained roles which adhere to the principle of least privilege, and coarse-grained roles which simplify administration by reducing configuration complexity. In this paper we propose OnPar, a multi-objective role mining approach which introduces minimization of unnecessary privilege as a role…

    Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) has the potential both to simplify administration and improve an organization's security. But for non-trivial configurations, there is a conflict between defining fine-grained roles which adhere to the principle of least privilege, and coarse-grained roles which simplify administration by reducing configuration complexity. In this paper we propose OnPar, a multi-objective role mining approach which introduces minimization of unnecessary privilege as a role mining objective, along with an associated unnecessary privilege metric. These allow an RBAC configuration's level of adherence to the principle of least privilege to be reasoned about and traded off against other objectives, including minimization of configuration complexity. A key feature of our approach is the elimination of user tuning of global optimization weights. We show experimentally that this tuning typically leads to the evaluation of sub-optimal candidates, while still missing many optimal candidates. To avoid these issues we leverage Pareto optimality and introduce multi-stage Pareto filtering and the hypervolume indicator to role mining. Their use allows OnPar to efficiently select a small set of candidates for evaluation by the administrator, which are equal best and representative of the full range of trade-offs that were found. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach across a wide range of input configurations.

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  • Lifeguard : SWIM-ing with Situational Awareness

    HashiCorp Research

    The paper details a number of novel improvements we have introduced to Serf, Consul, and Nomad to make their underlying gossip protocol more robust. Collectively called Lifeguard, these extensions reduce by 50x the false positives produced by the failure detector and allow us to detect true failures faster.

    Distributed systems such as BitTorrent, Apache Cassandra, Microsoft Orleans, and HashiCorp Consul commonly use Gossip protocols. They are typically embedded to provide features such…

    The paper details a number of novel improvements we have introduced to Serf, Consul, and Nomad to make their underlying gossip protocol more robust. Collectively called Lifeguard, these extensions reduce by 50x the false positives produced by the failure detector and allow us to detect true failures faster.

    Distributed systems such as BitTorrent, Apache Cassandra, Microsoft Orleans, and HashiCorp Consul commonly use Gossip protocols. They are typically embedded to provide features such as cluster membership (who is in the cluster), failure detection (which members are alive), and event broadcast. Their peer to peer nature often makes them much more scalable and reliable than centralized approaches to solving the same problem. However, the reduced amount of communication makes them sensitive to slow processing of their messages.

    Relative to the baseline, which is the implementation prior to Lifeguard, we reduce the rate of false positives by more than 50x. End users will perceive a faster and more robust system as a result of Lifeguard. Many of these improvements were incorporated in September 2016, and have been running in production at scale since.

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  • Retaining Sandbox Containment Despite Bugs in Privileged Memory-Safe Code

    ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)

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    • Jeff Rasley
    • Justin Samuel
    • Ivan Beschastnikh
    • Cosmin Barsan
    • Arvind Krishnamurthy
    • Thomas Anderson
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  • Nomad

    - Present

    Nomad is a tool for managing a cluster of machines and running applications on them. Nomad abstracts away machines and the location of applications, and instead enables users to declare what they want to run and Nomad handles where they should run and how to run them. Nomad is focused on flexibility, supporting a range of workload types (service and batch), operating systems (Windows, Linux, BSD, OS X), and packaging formats. Nomad supports container based applications, including Docker, Rkt…

    Nomad is a tool for managing a cluster of machines and running applications on them. Nomad abstracts away machines and the location of applications, and instead enables users to declare what they want to run and Nomad handles where they should run and how to run them. Nomad is focused on flexibility, supporting a range of workload types (service and batch), operating systems (Windows, Linux, BSD, OS X), and packaging formats. Nomad supports container based applications, including Docker, Rkt, and LXC. VM based applications, and standalone binaries like Java JARs or statically linked Go, C/C++, and Rust applications. Nomad spans

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  • Vault

    - Present

    Vault secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys, and other secrets in modern computing. Vault handles leasing, key revocation, key rolling, and auditing. Vault presents a unified API to access multiple backends: HSMs, AWS IAM, SQL databases, raw key/value, and more.

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  • Consul

    - Present

    Consul is a complete solution for service discovery and orchestration built on top of Serf. Consul is extremely scalable, highly available, and comes out of the box with support for multiple datacenters.

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  • Serf

    - Present

    Serf is a decentralized solution for service discovery and orchestration that is lightweight, fault tolerant, and highly available.

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Honors & Awards

  • UW Diamond Award, Early Career Achievement

    University of Washington

    The Diamond Awards honor outstanding alumni who have made significant contributions to the field of engineering.

  • Forbes 30 Under 30


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