UNODC Synthetic Drug Strategy’s cover photo
UNODC Synthetic Drug Strategy

UNODC Synthetic Drug Strategy

International Affairs

A framework for action to address the global synthetic drug problem

About us

Synthetic drug manufacture can occur anywhere depending on human creativity and the availability of a few strategic chemicals. UNODC launched the Synthetic Drug Strategy in 2021 to provide a framework for action to address this global problem. We deliver on this strategy through four synergetic and complementary spheres of action that support countries to effectively address the growing synthetic drug problem with particular attention to protecting and empowering vulnerable populations, including children, youth, women and people in contact with the criminal justice system and in humanitarian settings. Sphere 1: Multilateralism and international cooperation Sphere 2: Early warning on emerging synthetic drug threats Sphere 3: Promote science-informed health responses Sphere 4: Strengthen counternarcotic capacity and support international operations to disrupt trafficking in synthetic drugs Follow this space for the latest on our activities in response to the global synthetic drug problem.

International Affairs
Company size
1,001-5,000 employees

Employees at UNODC Synthetic Drug Strategy


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