So many companies characterize their product or service as #groundbreaking. What Quaise Energy is doing is truly groundbreaking, both figuratively and literally. We continue to be impressed with the progress this team is making wave #drilling for #geothermal power. Check out the video describing their work.
Last month, we reached another milestone on our path to superhot #geothermal power: demonstrating millimeter wave #drilling outside of the lab for the very first time. To put that in perspective, it was only three years ago that our team started testing with millimeter waves. We took those early learnings from Oak Ridge National Laboratory and set up a humming campus here in Houston. We reached our 100x target in 2023 and tested at higher power throughout 2024. Now, we’re drilling under the open sky. Millimeter wave drilling is the keystone of superhot geothermal. It’s the only way to access the resource at scale while reaching economic and power parity with fossil fuels. Over the coming months, two more drilling field tests will pave the way to our first commercial developments. Join Henry Phan, Vice President of Engineering, for a rare look under the hood to see how we got here.