During the most recent annual Yama Sakura exercise in Japan, an expeditionary U.S. Marine unit leveraged the U.S. Army’s Global Agile Integrated Transport network architecture, known as GAIT, in the Indo-Pacific region for the first time, taking advantage of the unique opportunity to enhance interoperability in support of potential future large-scale combat operations. https://lnkd.in/e29fT_FU ASA(ALT) Army Futures Command U.S. Army DEVCOM U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) Army Deputy Chief of Staff, G-6 U.S. Army DEVCOM C5ISR Center
About us
Headquartered at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, the Program Executive Office Command, Control, Communications, and Network (PEO C3N) is responsible for delivering a unified network that addresses the most critical operational needs and supports the Army of 2030. Critical to supporting the Army of 2030 and pivoting to the Army of 2040 is a less complex network that can support large-scale combat operations by enabling formation mobility, providing assured voice communications, a data-enabled common operating picture and digital fires and resist cyber and electronic warfare attacks. To advance this capability for the Army of 2030, PEO C3N is fielding modernized network communications gear; mission command and cyber understanding applications; network management tools; integrated command posts; network initialization capability and communications security technology to brigades and division enablers. In 2023 alone, more than 400 Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard formations will be fielded with modernized network and mission command application technology. At the same time, we are planning to deliver additional technology improvements in FY25, including delivery of mobile command posts; more resilient network connectivity; unified network operations tools; mission command visualization; and data management tools across the division formation. As we design the network to enable the Army of 2030, rigorous acquisition practices, industry and S&T alignment, and engineering framework underpinning design and delivery will remain in place. There will still be frequent opportunities for industry to integrate advanced capabilities into the Army network design process. We will continue to leverage persistent experimentation and Soldier feedback, including from ongoing operations, exercises, and units fielded with modernized capabilities, to inform the network of 2030 design.
- Website
External link for PEO C3N
- Industry
- Armed Forces
- Company size
- 1,001-5,000 employees
- Headquarters
- APG-North, MD
- Type
- Government Agency
6590 Reconnaissance St.
APG-North, MD 21005-1848, US
Employees at PEO C3N
Today’s #WorkforceWednesday highlights MAJ Andrew (AJ) Mangosing, who serves as an Assistant Product Manager for PM Tactical Radios. Currently known as the 101st Airborne (Air Assault) "Trail Boss” (and not the kind leading cattle drives out west!), MAJ Mangosing is performing a critical role assigned to highly qualified officers who serve as the primary touchpoint between the unit and supporting PM offices for a designated effort. In this case, it is for the Transformation in Contact (TiC) / C2 Fix effort with the 101st Airborne (Air Assault), where he is providing “boots on the ground” leadership to 35+ personnel as the unit prepares to operate the latest C2 Fix capabilities during their Operation Lethal Eagle (OLE) exercise at Fort Campbell, KY. Leaders like AJ are helping the Army transform the network architecture to enable lighter, faster, and more lethal formations. “Our job is to make sure our Soldiers are ready to ‘fight tonight,’ and we are all in this together to make it happen,” he said. ASA(ALT) Army Futures Command U.S. Army DEVCOM C5ISR Center U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), U.S. Army #ArmyFOTF #TeamAPG #ArmyTransformation #ArmyModernization #c3nteammates
Next-Gen radio platform integration requires much more than meets the eye! In the latest issue of AL&T Magazine, the Army’s Handheld, Manpack, and Small Fort Fit (HMS) platform integration team explains how they gained efficiencies by using digital transformation to integrate tactical radios into the various Army platform vehicles. Please scroll to page 40 in the Winter Issue 2025 for the full story! https://lnkd.in/eQPAKxC ASA(ALT) Army Futures Command U.S. Army DEVCOM C5ISR Center Army Deputy Chief of Staff, G-6 #ArmyModernization #ArmyRadios
Today’s #WorkforceWednesday highlights the Product Manager Unified Network Capabilities and Integration (PdM UNCI), Project Manager Tactical Network, Sustainment Transport System (STS) Team, who completed new equipment training (NET) for the 3rd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, with a culminating NET capstone event last week at Fort Cavazos, Texas. The STS Team and the unit will be supporting the upcoming STS initial operational test and evaluation at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, where the unit will utilize and provide feedback on the three new STS programs of record: STS Satellite Communications (SATCOM), STS Line-of-Sight, and STS Wireless-Fidelity (Wi-Fi)….[See the STS NET event photos in the below post] Army Futures Command U.S. Army DEVCOM U.S. Army DEVCOM C5ISR Center ASA(ALT)
MODERNIZING LOGISTICS DATA EXCHANGE: Product Manager Unified Network Capabilities and Integration (PdM UNCI), Project Manager Tactical Network, completed Sustainment Transport System (STS) new equipment training (NET) for the 3rd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, U.S. Army with a culminating NET capstone on February 6-7, 2025, at Fort Cavazos, Texas. The unit will be supporting the upcoming STS initial operational test and evaluation at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, where they will utilize and provide feedback on the three new STS programs of record: STS Satellite Communications (SATCOM), STS Line-of-Sight, and STS Wireless-Fidelity (Wi-Fi). As part of the Army’s continual unified network transformation efforts, these new systems will improve logistics data exchange through enhancements in network security, capacity, resiliency, range and mobility. All of the easy-to-use STS expeditionary network transport systems are developed for general-purpose users and can be rapidly setup and torn down for enhanced unit maneuverability. STS will enable Soldiers to access critical sustainment tools that ensure that U.S. forces always possess the supplies, personnel, medical and force protection when and where they need it, in any future fight, against any adversary. #ArmyTransformation Army Futures Command U.S. Army DEVCOM Army Chief Information Officer Army Deputy Chief of Staff, G-6
ARMORED FORMATION NETWORK ON THE MOVE PILOT: Soldiers with the 11st Infantry Divisioneadquarters and Division Artillery (DIVARTY) conduct Reception, Staging, Onward Movement, and Integration (RSOI) from Jan. 14-24, 2025 at the National Training Center, Fort Irwin, California, as they prepare to implement phase 2 of the Armored Formation Network On the Move (AFN OTM) Pilot during their combat training center (CTC) rotation. Soldier feedback during phase 2 of the pilot will inform the right combination of emerging commercial network technologies that best support these units and their fast-paced missions. This feedback will contribute to an enduring AFN OTM capability baseline and requirements using technologies that will also help shape other Army modernization efforts, such as command post modernization; Command and Control (C2Fix) efforts that deliver simple, intuitive, mobile and lower signature solutions to current close-combat forces; and Next Generation C2 (NGC2) for future warfare. Army Futures Command ASA(ALT) U.S. Army DEVCOM U.S. Army DEVCOM C5ISR Center 1st Infantry Division
At the core of the Army’s zero trust implementation is the need to unify the enterprise and tactical networks and ensure that data across all domains is secure, survivable, and accessible to Soldiers. During last week's AFCEA NOVA Army IT Day, leaders across PEO C3N shared current zero trust implementation efforts and the challenges and opportunities of unifying the network spaces. Setting the stage, Mr. Mark Kitz, PEO C3N, and Mr. Randy Young, TMD PEO C3N, detailed the Army’s priority to protect data and understand who is accessing it, while COL Jay Shell, PM IEN, and Mr. Dan DeCamillo, Chief, Technical Management Division, PM TN, shared the enterprise successes thus far of implementing zero trust and the complexities of the tactical network. “Where does the strategic network end, and where does the episodic…or tactical network begin,” said Shell. “We would like industry help in defining that.” “We will accept the most exquisite solutions that can be operated, maintained and defended by our ARCYBER/NETCOM partners. We also partner with NETCOM to ensure that within the Army strategic infrastructure, there are tools that intersect and interoperate with what we field,” said Shell. DeCamillo added that while some data and services can be leveraged in the tactical network from the enterprise network, that is not always the case. “What capabilities are available when there isn’t reach back to the enterprise network… when a unit is operating in a degraded or disconnected state,” he questioned, highlighting a challenge that Commander’s must be prepared for in the Denied, Disrupted, Intermittent, and Limited (DDIL) environment. Mr. Carl Bridges, CIO PEO C3N, closed the panel sharing some of the industry opportunities to unify the networks. "Leveraging the capabilities we've resourced on the strategic networks, with any innovative capabilities from industry to pull services across networks, will be critical to unifying our networks and moving away from networks bifurcated between strategic and tactical environments," said Bridges. ASA(ALT) Army Futures Command U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) AFCEA NOVA #ArmyModernization #FutureArmy #Armydata #ArmyITDay
Announcement: PEO C3N released a Request for White Papers for the Radio as a Service (RaaS) Pilot on Friday via the Consortium for Command, Control and Communications in Cyberspace Other Transaction Agreements (C5-OTA). All industry partners registered with the C5-OTA should have received notifications for this effort. The request includes the RaaS Statement of Need, which defines the pilot, Lead Service Integrator approach, and technical capabilities needed. Due to the short timeline for responses, the request also includes instructions for attending one of two Industry Days, scheduled for 29-30 January, which will allow PM Tactical Radios personnel to answer questions from industry partners on the statement of need. All registered vendors should visit the CMG Corporations website for further details: https://cmgcorp.org/otas/ ASA(ALT) Army Futures Command Army Deputy Chief of Staff, G-6 U.S. Army DEVCOM C5ISR Center #ArmyRadios #ArmyModernization #ArmyTransformation
During last month’s lucky number #TEM13, Army leaders maintained their commitment to providing continuous transparency with industry on Army network and C2 priorities and strategy. Highlighting topics on the unified network and the Army’s transformation efforts with C2 Fix and Next Generation C2, industry attendees walked away with a clearer picture of the Army’s current needs while receiving continued encouragement to focus on the art of the possible to prepare Soldiers of today and tomorrow to fight and win in a Large Scale Combat Operational Environment. https://lnkd.in/eAUtHCZu ASA(ALT) Army Futures Command U.S. Army DEVCOM Army Chief Information Officer U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) U.S. Army Office of the Chief of Public Affairs - Northeast Army Deputy Chief of Staff, G-6 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), U.S. Army 10th Mountain Division, United States Army U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) 3rd Infantry DIV U.S. Army Contracting Command US Army Cyber Center of Excellence. #ArmyNetwork #ArmyTransformation #armyngc2 #ArmyC2 #AlliesandPartners #FutureArmy #C2OTM #LSCO #DataDominance
NGC2 Request for Information is now out: The U.S. Army is seeking industry feedback as it prepares to rapidly and competitively award contracts for prototyping Next Generation Command and Control, a new approach to provide commanders and units at echelon an open and modular C2 ecosystem across hardware, software and applications with access to a common and integrated data layer. The RFI was released on sam.gov in support of the Army’s Software Acquisition Pathway Program for NGC2. The RFI states that the Army plans to competitively award contracts by May 2025 with initial prototype delivery(s) to occur within six months. The planned contract awards are structured to enable multiple iterative and competitive opportunities for industry to contribute technology to NGC2. The Army emphasizes that no one company can provide a total solution for NGC2, and that the government intends to continue to onboard vendor teams for additional components and layers available after the initial prototyping awards. View the RFI here: https://lnkd.in/gsN6s4Py ASA(ALT) Army Futures Command U.S. Army Contracting Command - Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC-APG) U.S. Army DEVCOM C5ISR Center U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center (USAASC) #ArmyModernization #FutureArmy #armyc2 #Armyngc2