There are so many benefits to Nature Based Solutions... Carbon Sequestration, Biodiversity and so much more.
Let's talk.
Benefits of Nature-Based Solutions
There are numerous positive impacts NBS can have on the environment, communities and our global society. For example, doing a restorative carbon sequestration project on a drained peatland would provide a natural carbon sink to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Doing so would also improve biodiversity in the area, and allow native plant species to re-establish. Restoring a peatland/wetland could also provide the community with recreational opportunities, improving health. Overall, this would create a healthier ecosystem for the plants, animals, and the surrounding community.
On this note, Nature-based solutions also can create new economic opportunities. Restoring a peatland or a forest is no simple task and many jobs can be created out of these projects. Allowing for a boost to the local economies that restorative projects are based out of.
Nature-Based Solutions Moving Forward
Due to the numerous positive benefits of NBS and their cost-effective and sustainable approach to environmental issues, they are becoming increasingly popular as a viable alternative to traditional engineering solutions. Minnesota contain