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At FUTEK, Q.C does not stand for Quality Control — it stands for Quality Culture. It’s a company-wide mindset that we have been practicing since our inception. Our Quality Assurance department consists of highly qualified experts operating sophisticated equipment that can measure a fraction of a micron. (For comparison, an average human hair is about 70 Micron.) The Quality team also oversees the production training, which we take very seriously. When a new member joins the team, they receive extensive training — sometimes it takes over six months before they can assume responsibility for their task. As each operator is accountable for their workmanship, they recognize the magnitude of responsibilities expected from them. Hence, it’s no accident that the two mission-critical sensors FUTEK designed and manufactured in 2007 for the Mars Rover Curiosity, which launched in 2012, have maintained their original specs after over a decade, despite the harsh Martian environment. Or that out of 50.000 sensors shipped since 2004 for an OEM account for an autopilot application, not one has been returned from the field. With over a million sensors in the field, our RMA is extremely low, with only a few cases caused by workmanship issues, which immediately required corrective action. One of the best testimonies I have ever received was from the Director of Quality of an OEM customer that had received thousands of customized sensors. He said, “I don’t know your phone number, and that is a good thing.” Thanks to our Quality Culture, FUTEK’s operators act like designated drivers. You can trust them and take a backseat, knowing that you will reach your destination safely and without delays. Quality Culture ensures that we walk the walk every step of the way.