🥳Today, we celebrated 99 employees for their combined 1,235 years of service, with a special congrats to Assistant Fire chiefs Clay Shell and Craig Krienke for their more than 35 years working with the City of #GeorgetownTX. 📷 5 years of service from left: Tiffany Spicer (Public Works), Cindy Davis (Finance), Chris Mays (Systems Engineering), Amanda Still (Downtown and Tourism), Jon Fusco (IT), Monica Heyward (Fire), Daniel Bethapudi (Electric), Cindy Gilbert (Permitting and Inspections), Gene De Mascio (Public Works), Michael Delgado (Public Works), and Robert Mattocks (Public Works) 📷 10 years of service from left: Nathaniel Waggoner (Systems Engineering), ? Daniel Hernandez (IT), Kathy Olmstead (Library), Harry Randall (Water), Kyle Janke (Parks and Recreation), Patricia Andrade (Finance), Israel Esquilin (Customer Care), Danielle Ellis (Electric), Jason Ellis (Systems Engineering), Linda White (City Secretary’s Office), John Dillard (Electric), Anthony Aquilino (Public Works), Allen Gick (Electric), Shane Smith (Public Works), Daniel Somerall (IT), and Michael Weisner (Electric) 📷 15 years of service from left: Robert Gaylor (Parks and Recreation), Pete Polkinghorn (Parks and Recreation), Jeff Cardwell (Permitting and Inspections), Erica Marroquin (Finance), Matthew Robey (Police), and Reymundo Rodriguez (Police) 📷 20 years of service from left: Ruben Vasquez (Police), Matthew Wilson (Fire), Monica Dominguez (Police), Chris Pousson (Systems Engineering), Cynthia Gonzalez (Finance), Alexander Polansky (IT), Michael Morris (Police), and Aretha Miller (Finance) 📷 25 years of service from left: David Scurlock (Police), Karrie Pursley (Finance), Cindy Pospisil (Finance), and Jamie Beran (Human Resources) 📷 30 years of service from left: James Williams (Electric), Jeff White (Electric), Leland Hill (Parks and Recreation), Roland Waits (Police), and Scott Gibson (Fire) 📷 35 years of service from left: Clay Shell (Fire) and Craig Krienke (Fire)