For perspective. The current national sentiment around fears that law enforcement will breakup families.. that has been their duty since the formation of the Slave Catcher Patrols. Deportations and the intentional cruelty - IS the point.
As the white nationalist political terrorist attacks continue under terms like: Mass Deportation, DEI Rollbacks, Eliminating Dept of Education, DoGE and ending 504, make no mistake these are long held values of America. Particularly when Black advancement and joy are present. The climate you are experiencing is not new .. it is new to you.
Before Black Lives Matter .. it was “Hands up. Don’t shoot”. It was “I can’t breathe”. It was an accusation of “he whistled at me.” These are only but a few that rose to the national consciousness. And we marched, we fought, we prayed and, we still wanted better for the country.. then on November 6th. What we had already known was crystallized.
We deserve EVERY moment of rest at this time - the world and the country are now dealing with the actual America. DEI - is not synonymous for “Black”, Affirmative Action is not synonymous for “Black”. However, the sense of and actual betrayal was and is REAL. Calls for unity are not going ignored or unanswered - they are being screened for spam.
In my lifetime… my “right” to merely exist has and is a fight. And not one I or we chose. Ask yourself why now are the alarm bells ringing? Why now are organizations rallying to save those thing such as: Medicaid, 504 or Education? The climate has ALWAYS been this. And the current administration is an absolute result of it.
Some are wondering where the Black community is at this moment. Where we have always been, on the menu. Except this time we have stepped back from being on the front lines and leading the charge. And there is a simple and profound fact - death is a constant companion in our struggle for this country try live up to its potential.
The DEI movement that sprang from the death of George Floyd, has now become pase. And yet the underlying problem persists. Violence toward Black and indigenous bodies is the American culture.
Yet, we will STILL revel in our UNAPOLOGETIC BLACKNESS .. and continue to actively choose BLACK JOY. We will reengage when, the anti-blackness that shatterd the “BIPOC” coalition is dealt with in earnest. And that is work WE can not do for YOU.