Big announcement!!!🚨
select *
from big_sql_energy
where launch = ‘november’
and instructor = ‘jess ramos’
and class_type = ‘hands-on’
and you_get in (’practice’, ‘projects’, 'fun')
Did you successfully decode (pun intended) my announcement?
I’m so excited that I’m launching very own SQL course called Big SQL Energy (I mean DUH, what else would I call it?!) which is designed to prepare you for Data Analytics interviews whether you’re trying to get your first data job or want to level up to the senior level.
In this course (hosted on Teachable), we’ll work together on some intermediate SQL, practice common SQL interview questions, and build a solid portfolio project (which is an exact replica of the one that has landed me my last 2 6-figure data analyst jobs in tech).
This won’t be a typical boring course where you pull random data and have no idea what you’re doing, leaving you ill-equipped for your job search. This course is based on real business problems I’ve solved on the job using a proprietary dataset (yes I typed every. single. cell with my bare hands) based on a typical SaaS tech company data model. No Titanic or Iris datasets will be found in my course.
So if you wanna learn Joins, CTE, Subqueries, Window Functions, Set Operations (like union), Self Joins, Case, Optimization, Temp Tables, & Views with ME, then you better sign up for my free newsletter (link in comments) so you can be the first to know when it drops! There will also be freebies and giveaways leading up to it, so you don’t wanna miss out.
Thanks to Teachable for being the powerhouse where I’m hosting my course! This has been a dream partnership, and I can’t wait to see how many people I’m going to see fall in love with SQL through my course!
Build your first course for free: