10. ‘Sailor Moon’ (1992-1997)

Running for 200 episodes, nobody would ever call ‘Sailor Moon’ the most consistent anime ever made. There’s a lot of filler with a lot of inconsistent animation in the first and most iconic adaptation of Naoko Takeuchi’s manga. But none of that matters because, the adventures of Usagi Tsukino (voiced brilliantly by the iconic Kotono Mitsuishi) and her team of Sailor Scouts against the forces of evil is perfect Saturday morning comfort food, a blast of unapologetically girly wish-fulfillment that combines kickass action with heartfelt, earnest storytelling. The secret to its success is that Usagi never gets too perfect a hero: She’s always recognizable as the crybaby introduced in the pilot episode, even as the five seasons see her evolve from an immature middle schooler into a compassionate and strong young woman. Watching that progression is an utter treat, between the show’s delightful villains, great music, and thoughtful look at female friendships and ahead-of-its-time approach to queerness and sexuality.