The penultimate episode of the first reboot season of Lost in Space really should be the first half of a two-hour movie, as episodes 9 and 10 blend together better than almost all other episodes this season (with episodes 1 and 2 coming in as the next possibility). Even with the less-than-reasonable actions of characters (which has been rampant for the season), Resurrection was an enjoyable and fellow-colonist filled episode that provides terrific pay off for many story arcs, foreshadows, and seemingly-random-at-the-time-but really-important-now elements which were carefully setup in the first eight episodes. Dr. Smith is perfectly poised to execute her plan of heartless self-preservation (and people really need to stop listening to her...), and the Robinsons are apparently the colonists' only hope - but is it a fun, frustrating, and native-creature galore hour. Well worth the time for both the previous 8-hours of binge and the excitement of setting up the season finally.