Had I heard about the 2012 movie "Girls Like Us! Part 1" prior to watching it? Nope, not even remotely. And truth be told, I expected it was a movie from Maverick Entertainment, given the movie's cover. It was not a movie from Maverick Entertainment, though, for better or worse.
Writers Anike Bay, Coquie Hughes and Chan C. Smith put together a script that matched the writing skills of someone in elementary school. It was downright laughable to bear witness to the joke of a storyline as it stumbled across on the screen. Suffice it to that I found absolutely zero entertainment value in this generic and stereotypical mess of a storyline.
The character gallery in this travesty of a movie was ridiculous. I've never seen a bunch of cartoon caricature characters as bad as the stereotypical and laughable characters that were in the movie. I am simply perplexed what writers Anike Bay, Coquie Hughes and Chan C. Smith were thinking when they were conjuring up the ideas for the characters for this movie. Words simply can't describe how immensely stupid the character gallery was here, you have to witness it with your own eyes.
And the dialogue... Seriously? Does people talk like that?
Needless to say that I was not familiar with a single actress or actor on the cast list, and I can't claim to be the least bit impressed with the acting performances, as it ranged from downright cringeworthy to questionable.
How "Girls Like Us! Part 1" managed to score a staggering 4.9 rating on IMDb, it's rating as of this very moment while I am reviewing the movie, is simply beyond my comprehension, because this was a dumpster fire of a travesty attempting to pass as a movie. Should you happen to stumble upon this 2012 movie, give it a wide berth and move on to something else, because it just simply isn't worth spending 73 minutes on watching. Some of us suffered through this joke of a movie, so you don't have to; you're quite welcome!
My rating of directors James McFarland, Chan C. Smith and Anike Bay's 2012 movie "Girls Like Us! Part 1" lands on a very generous one out of ten stars.