This documentary, while making a good point about economic disparities, was ridiculous. Incredible experts were brought in who made valid points about things such as transfer pricing (which is perfectly legal), but these experts were largely swept under the rug by the directors of the film.
The important thing to note about the issue of the "1%" and similar groups is not that we can whine about economic disparities. The movements that did all the complaining have nearly disappeared only a short time out from when they began.
The important thing to realize is that these corporations are working within their legal rights to be as profitable as possible. Corporations seek profit. It's inherent in their nature. We can't blame them for that. The problem lies in the laws that allow them to do so, and the documentary did not point that out enough.
The solution is to change the laws, not glorify those who are complaining to corporations who work within their legal bounds to achieve their goal of profit production. All this documentary seemed to do was glorify those who are good at complaining, but to the wrong people.