Men in white suites swarm the infected home, ridding it of the poisonous mold that has killed hundreds. Director and writer Grainger David relates his short film to similar childhood events. He grew up in South Carolina and was ten years old when Hurricane Hugo hit. The aftermath was described as "distopian" with water damage and mold all over the ceilings. This memory shaped the haunting film, The Chair.
The mysterious and chilling film follows through the eyes of a boy reflecting on his traumatic past. While trying to make sense of the solemn events rupturing the world around him, he discovers a cherished object that could be the cause of his problems. The Chair captures the relationship between nature and mankind through various cinematic effects such as lighting, angles, and tone of voice. I would reccomend this film to anyone who enjoys small town films and dramas. Although this was a great film, I wish the ending was more clear about the narrarators last words about the mold and how it all started. The viewer is left wondering what caused the mold and why it went away.