Episode 1 of the Sakamoto Days anime has officially launched, delivering an impressive debut that fully introduces the intriguing world of retired assassins. Based on the popular manga, this episode is not only faithful to the original but also breathes life into every frame, providing viewers with moments of refreshing entertainment.
The episode opens by introducing us to Sakamoto Taro, a legendary former assassin who is now a chubby, gentle convenience store owner. The contrast between his current appearance and his terrifying past creates a delightful humor, which is one of the defining elements of the series. However, Sakamoto's peaceful life does not last long as his past unexpectedly returns. A series of hilarious situations and satisfying action sequences unfold, keeping the viewers glued to the screen.
The plot of episode 1 is not too complex, mainly focusing on introducing characters, establishing the setting, and revealing a small part of Sakamoto's past. With a fast-paced rhythm, the episode naturally draws viewers into the world of Sakamoto Days, without feeling dull. The balance between the comedic segments and the action scenes is well-crafted, creating a complete viewing experience.
The character Sakamoto Taro is a noteworthy highlight. With a less than impressive appearance, he possesses incredible fighting skills, which are demonstrated with a "deadpan" humorous attitude. The combination of strength and awkwardness makes Sakamoto a unique and compelling character. In addition, the character Shin Asakura, a boy with psychic abilities, is also an interesting factor, providing a contrast in personality and forming a promising "dynamic duo" with Sakamoto.
In terms of animation, Sakamoto Days does not try to be too flashy but focuses on conveying the expressions, actions, and humor of the characters. The fight scenes are done quite well, smooth and powerful, while character expressions, especially Sakamoto's "expressionless" face, are excellently portrayed. The colors of the film are also bright, suitable for the overall atmosphere of the series. However, there are a few small details that could be more polished, but they do not significantly affect the viewing experience.
The music in episode 1 also plays an important role in creating the atmosphere of the film. From humorous background music to dramatic action music, everything is used appropriately, adding to the appeal of each scene. The OP and ED are also catchy, clearly expressing the spirit of Sakamoto Days.
In conclusion, episode 1 of Sakamoto Days is a promising start, impressively introducing the world of the series and the main characters. With a harmonious combination of humor, action, and a touch of "badassery", the episode has provided moments of entertaining enjoyment. If you are looking for a new, unique, and entertaining anime, then Sakamoto Days is definitely one not to be missed. I am looking forward to the next developments of the series.