This time another armed robbery taken at a toy shop, certain terrify any children.
Sally still keeps her job after dangerous act approaching armed men crash helmets with a gun on a motorbike, yelling "STOP!" Should've fire her from the police service.
Whole tension between Max Carter and Millie Brown - as much as Max is a total jerk yet can't argue with him at times even he rightfully tells Millie not to be so naive, although Millie was right that Jade is sincere, is not involved in robbery, just being there as unfortunate coincidence, and didn't anticipate gun hidden in baby's cot whatever her estranged husband and brother caused. Yet Millie acting like jade's new best friend.
Toy shop manager who got shot is also the Sun Hill sniper Jason Hardy who PC Gabriel Kent conspire with in shooting scum dead.
That Curtis Jenson is somewhat a shady and cool and calm bloke.