... at least as far as I know, and if you count the LITB TV movie back in March 1983 where Mary Ellen first announced she was pregnant, but then in the epilogue June mentions the baby, a son was born. So there is some reworking of the plot in the series.
Mary Ellen thinks she is going into labor, but it turns out to be a false alarm, as Wally contends with a nurse with the disposition of a drill sergeant and the typing skills of a four year old as far as typing in insurance information. Back home they wait, and they wait, and then the day comes when Wally must go to court in a matter where Beaver is a witness. But he has a beeper now so she should be able to reach him at will.
Also Wally has brought Eddie Haskell in to keep watch over her, so what could go wrong? Watch and find out.
Overall this was a sweet humorous episode, with a few bits of old technology that made me realize how much time had passed. When was the last time you saw or even thought about a beeper?