Tamami starts out good. Creepy, slow, mysterious. A common yet potent ingredient for an Asian horror movie. The heroin was a beauty and one character, the old day act brilliantly as a creepy, serious...old lady, duh. The movie features an amazing eerie soundtrack, but that's as far as the praises go.
The acting is terrible. Sometimes the actors go with the over-the-top shouting, syllable by syllable. Unnecessary and cheesy.
The plot is usual B-grade horror movie. We have a mutant baby (Tamami), why it's mutant was never told. Why it's evil, also - no, it's not evil. Just misunderstood, as the baby's mother say, "She's just a baby." Any of you remember how many people you killed while you're a baby, with elaborated vine traps and stuffing your victims in inconspicuous places?? The movie tries too hard. It starts as typical Asian horror and ends as an incredibly cheesy Western B-grade horror.
The villain is just BAD, cheesy bad which the cheese has gone rotten and filled with maggots. At first, you don't see the baby's face. Sometimes glimpses. Then, you're treated to the whole thing via CGI which was ridiculous as the heroin and villain duke it out, girly style. The villain is the most ridiculous looking thing in the movie, annd it's in title! Avoid this movie.