"Dr. Sara Tancredi. The only woman I ever loved." Oh come on! Even the least talented screenwriters out there realize that this is much too camp! Michael Scofield's monologue at the beginning, from which this is excerpted, marks as a fairly bad season opener already after 2 minutes. Sadly, nothing gets any better after that. The writers had some grand ideas again (caution: sarcasm), like killing two major roles of season 3 in the first 15 minutes or all convicts somehow escaping Sona because this "high security prison" just burns down. Furthermore, the return of Sara is made very bad, which makes it really difficult for me to like the fact that she's back again. But I'm not done yet: what's up with all the escaped convicts thinking that they can just go around like normal people, while in season 2 they had fake IDs and hiding places and stuff? Of course, each of them gets caught in the first half an hour and of course Michael's highest amount of jail time is 15 years, I'm sure this is a proper amount of time after escaping two penitentiaries and killing someone. I can't exactly say where this episode ends and #2 starts because it's a double episode, but until minute 46, nearly everything that happened was absolutely stupid. This is nothing less than the worst episode of the whole series.