Very good Ironside episode for a number of reasons.
First, Richard Donner directs. Donner would go on to direct major films like The Omen, the Lethal Weapon series, and even Goonies! You can tell a real pro is directing this. Watch the chase scene that involves Ed and Reese chasing Ted Cassidy (yes, THAT Ted Cassidy. AKA Lurch from Addams Family). A lot of cool and exciting camera shots for a scene that isn't that important in the totality of the episode. Also, the flashback scenes are also well done, as Ironside looks around and then the scene transitions to him watching the deceased character interact with people. There's more care put in the camera and actor positioning and cinematography in this TV episode than a lot of feature films I've seen.
The second reason to like this episode is theme: Ironside investigates a murder of a woman that nobody cares about as she's a "loser," a "hooker." He investigates because of that, to make the point that every human has some value. A similar plot is going to show up in 1982 in an episode of MASH, where Hawkeye has to write the eulogy of a woman who nobody ever got to know, and he doesn't "solve" the riddle of her life until he finds her diary. If that MASH episode was an hour they could have easily done the Flashback technique of Ironside. Speaking of MASH, you'll recognize the wino as the cook from MASH!
Finally we get a bonus in seeing Ted Cassidy, Lurch from The Addams Family. Cassidy was not just a giant, but a gifted actor, especially voice actor! And he more than fulfills our Ironside/Star Trek connection: He appeared in three classic episodes of the original Star Trek. He was the voice of the Gorn and the voice of Balok's puppet and also played Ruk, the giant in the episode where Kirk is cloned!