Joe Mannix: [escorting Kenny Brooks into his office] Okay, Kenny, now why don't you sit down right there, and we'll have a little talk. Now, just what's the case?
Kenny Brooks: I brought $1.85, and I get two more dollars on Saturday.
Joe Mannix: Now, wait a minute, uh, let's not worry about my fee until I know what the case is, okay?
Kenny Brooks: Okay. I want you to find my stamp book.
Joe Mannix: Your stamp book?
Kenny Brooks: My Uncle Jimmy gave it to me. He's not actually my uncle, I just call him that because he knew my father. My father's dead. Anyhow, he gave me this stamp book of his, and I lost it. You see, I promised not to take it out of the house.
Joe Mannix: But you did?
Kenny Brooks: Well... yeah.
Joe Mannix: Does your mother know you're hiring me?
Kenny Brooks: I told Mom and Uncle Jimmy I was coming to see you.
Joe Mannix: Did they say it was all right?
Kenny Brooks: Sure, but Uncle Jimmy said forget it. He'd get me another album. But it's my fault. I wanted that stamp book ever since I was a little kid. So he gave it to me last week for my birthday. I broke my promise. I wanted to show it to some of the kids.
Joe Mannix: Well, Kenny, uh, maybe it would be easier if you just let your Uncle Jimmy buy you another stamp album.
Kenny Brooks: But it's not the same. It's like, you have a dog and lose it, people will get you another dog just because you're crying. They don't understand. It isn't the same dog.
Joe Mannix: Yeah, I, uh... guess you're right. When did you have it last?
Kenny Brooks: Saturday. We rode our bikes down to the pier. We threw baseballs and watched the merry-go-round, and things like that.
Joe Mannix: You think you left it there?
Kenny Brooks: Billy Kypur said I put it on the counter at the baseball game. Then he said he saw me leave it on the bench at the merry-go-round.
Joe Mannix: But he's not sure?
Kenny Brooks: Billy Kypur's never sure.
Joe Mannix: Well, why don't I have a look around and I'll get back to you, okay?
Kenny Brooks: Thanks, Mr. Mannix. I've already asked a lot of people, but people only pretend they listen to kids. They'll listen to you.
Joe Mannix: You just sit tight.
Kenny Brooks: [to Peggy as he walks out the door] You see, he wasn't busy at all.