Immortal Grace Chandel has an argument with her mortal boyfriend Paul just before he gets murdered. Finding herself the prime suspect, Grace goes to Duncan and Darius for help. Duncan immediately suspects her bitter ex-lover, Immortal. Carlo Sendaro, and is inevitably proved right.
I marked this one up despite getting the feeling it seems like a better episode than it is. There's not enough plot to sustain it, meaning we get two different sequences of Sendaro surprising Grace and Tess, followed by two different sequences of Duncan confronting Sendaro as he tries to force Grace to leave the country with him, as if someone suddenly realised the episode was ten minutes short and had to tack another ending on.
The episode's biggest plus point though is. Julia Stemberger's engaging performance as Grace. She's possibly one of the people most unsuited to immortality: A gentle soul who feels incredibly world-weary at having spent centuries watching everything change and die. It's hard not to suspect she was attached to both Duncan and Sendaro out of a desperation to have something that could last as long as her. It's a good episode for Tessa too as, despite a bit of side-eye at Duncan, she ultimately commits to helping Grace. Richie does have at least one nice scene searching a graveyard.
There's a nice flashback too, even if Duncan does look a bit ridiculous with that beard. Hearing a woman screaming and sensing an Immortal, he bursts in sword raised, making his usual dramatic challenge, only to find Grace delivering a baby. He looks really out of comfort zone.
Sendaro isn't the most engaging villain: There's a vague attempt at backstory but his character doesn't really have much to him beyond being a creeper. There's a nice final confrontation between Duncan and Sendaro on the train tracks, which doesn't quite go as expected.
Third and final appearance of Inspector Lebrun, last seen in Tomorrow We Die, who's suddenly using his supposedly busted arm a lot more. Not that it does him much good, as Sendaro promptly stabs him in the other arm. (Given that we don't see him again, it's not clear if he survives!)