Jerry Butler gets to issue a barrage of dumb jokes filled with idiotic anachronisms in this failed comedy. As scripted by 'Cash Markman', it's just another nail in porn's coffin.
Butler plays Issac, yes even his Biblical name is misspelled in the credits. He's off to see the Queen of Sodom (lovely Nikki Dial) to sell his dildos, and after he f*cks her she's definitely in need of one to have an orgasm. The king is played by Randy West, who would rather have sex with the court's dancing girls (Sierra and Lacy Rose) than his wife.
Jerry gets a room from landlady Danielle Rogers, and later runs away from Sodom with her as warnings about the impending destruction convince him. Typical of the extreme groaners parading as jokes, she turns back when fireballs start falling and turns into Malt, with Jerry tasting it and cheerfully proclaiming it's chocolate malt. Non-stop anachronisms include references to San Francisco and even Michael Jackson, while the women wear high heels. And T. T. Boy wears a condom.