Okay. So we all know that gun deaths are tragic. We know that innocent people die as a result of senseless gunfire. Yet, nonetheless, Tolkan subjects us to an "eye-opening" documentary into the tragic lives of 61 victims of gun deaths on a random day in 1989. Why? So we can all learn the important lesson that "people don't kill people, guns do." Gimme a break. He even goes so far as to include criminals who are shot and killed by police officers defending themselves and suicide "victims" who use guns to kill themselves - as though, without guns, the suicide victims would have simply shrugged their shoulders and chosen to go on.
This "documentary" is clearly a thinly veiled attempt to enrage viewers to cry out for gun control in some effort by the director, I suppose, to rid the world of tragedy. News-flash, genius - senseless murder happened long before guns existed, and doing away with guns won't solve our problems anymore than your worthless "documentary."