So You're Going to the Dentist (1952)
** 1/2 (out of 4)
Dumb neighbor Marvin gets his license to be a dentist so he talks Joe McDoakes into being his first patient. Joe has a perfect set of teeth but that soon changes when Marvin starts digging around in them. This isn't the best film in the series but it does have enough laughs to make it worth watching if you're a fan. I think the best thing this movie has going for it is that George O'Hanlon really is at the top of his game here. Those perfect mannerisms, silly facial gestures and that non-stop aggravation are on fire here as he gets plenty of nice laughs. What was so disappointing here is that Rodney Bell's Marvin character wasn't written as sharply as many of his previous films. I thought the entire set up of him being a dentist really didn't work since Joe knew how dumb he was. I had a hard to believing that even Joe would allow him to work on his teeth but once they hit the chair things start to pick up in terms of laughs. One of the highlights comes at the very end when Frank Nelson shows up to tell Marvin something and of course it's just going to lead to more pain for Joe.