5 of 12 found this mild
A good amount of sexual innuendo for a pg movie. Most should fly over younger children's heads.
Scenes of a woman having her legs waxed while she is wearing fancy bra and underwear. Mild reference to homosexuality. A man asks his wife if she sleeping with a man they're taking advantage of. Jethrene (played by a male) kisses Tyler for a long period of time. There is hints of a relationship between Jethro and Miss Hathaway. A brief reference to oral sex.
5 of 8 found this mild
Ellie Mae is seen wrestling a bear, and she twists his arm. She is also seen back flipping Tyler.
Some characters point their guns at people but don't shoot.
Mr. Drysdale's son Morgan is threatened with physical violence by an athlete.
Ellie Mae wrestles a man and ends up injuring him by stepping on his crotch.
An elderly woman is captured by two con artists who gag her and tie her up. She briefly strangles the guy with her feet then later bites him.
Miss Hathaway grabs a rifle and it looks like she's going to shoot Tyler and Laura but instead she opens fire at their laptop. She then kicks Tyler sending him backwards and a brawl breaks out.
6 of 10 found this mild
Believing that it is a friendly "howdy" the Clampetts flip several people off who return the favor. However, this is only for a few minutes of the film and not throughout. Several OMG's.
Use of Mild language such as "crap", " damn", "hell-hole", " tramp" and a few other insults.
The character Morgan is harassed by jocks saying he has a little "organ".
5 of 8 found this mild
Jed one time mentioned that Granny drank her elixir and wandered off before his first wedding. It's assumed that the elixir may have some kind of drug in it.
3 of 8 found this mild
The scene with Granny in electro-shock therapy looks disturbing but it's played for laughs.