The Thriller series can certainly boast originality, each episode has certain unique qualities, they certainly don't all mould into one another. Something at the top of the stairs had been that good, setting the bar extremely high, An Echo of Theresa is good, very watchable, just pales a little in comparison. As I was watching this I kept thinking it felt like an episode of Man from UNCLE, it had that kind of vibe. The story overall is clever, it's very well played out, Paul Burke is excellent as Brad, he plays out the character's madness incredibly well, you get a true sense of his character's mental breakdown. I was also impressed by Dinsdale Landen, who made Earp a thoroughly interesting character. If I had a criticism it would be that at times it's a muddled, you aren't always able to follow what's going on, the solution seems a little improbable. Still enjoyable, 6/10