- Melody: [reading from a tombstone] "Fifty years' happiness." How long's fifty years?
- Daniel: A hundred and fifty school terms, not including holidays.
- Melody: Will you love me that long?
- Daniel: [nods affirmative] Mmm-hmmm.
- Melody: I don't think you will.
- Daniel: Of course. I've loved you a whole week already, haven't I?
- Daniel: I've got to dance with her.
- Ornshaw: You're mad! What do you want to do that for? She'll only say "Buzz off." She's like that. This whole girl-nonsense is rubbish. Girls are a bunch of snot-nosed little so-and-so's.
- Headmaster: If you're gallivanting off somewhere you can't be at school. If you can't be at school we can't teach you. And if we can't teach you, you'll end up a bunch of raving imbeciles like the generation above you.
- [in the school office about to get "slippered"]
- Mr. Dicks: Now, why are you here, Ornshaw?
- Ornshaw: Because you invited me, sir.
- Mr. Dicks: And why did I invite you, Ornshaw?
- Ornshaw: Well, because I couldn't translate the latin, sir.
- Mr. Dicks: Why, Ornsahw? WHY?
- Ornshaw: Because it's a bloody silly out-of-date language do you mean, sir?
- Mr. Dicks: Two was it, Ornhsaw... I think we'll make it four...
- [trying to hold his temper]
- Mr. Dicks: ...and why do you think it's a... silly out-of-date language, Ornshaw?
- Ornshaw: Well, because I couldn't speak to a dead roman even if I knew the bloody lingo, sir!
- Ornshaw: Some people are winners and some people are losers.
- Daniel: Who says who's gonna be what?
- Ornshaw: Don't ask me, that's all done before we get on this earth. I mean, it's him up there. He says, "You, you're gonna be red-hot at the triple jump, and you, you're gonna be bloody useless!"
- Maureen: Do you kiss boys, Muriel?
- Muriel: Sometimes, if I like him enough.
- Melody: Aren't you frightened?
- Muriel: Oh, why should I be frightened? It's quite nice when you get used to it.
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