I gave it a try a second time. Years had passed since I first bought the tape, look, it's a spoof of Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Forrest Gump, and other films. It's not supposed to be serious, it's supposed to stupid. I thought the nuns were funny trying to rob a bank. Sandra Bernhard plays the Amanda Plummer role from Pulp Fiction. Dan Castellanata plays the Forrest Gump character in this film. I love Julie Brown and I don't understand why she does not have a hit sitcom or is working as much as she is. Everybody remembers her from Just Say Julie show on MTV don't they, she's the funniest woman in Hollywood as we speak. Her role as Mimi Hungry is unforgettable. First, the movie is not meant to be taken seriously. It just wants to spoof Tarantino films and Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers. Okay, it's not masterpiece theater but you can watch it.