Worth watching, but not a new favorite
9 November 2024
It is not as cheesy as many other Christmas movies. There were many elements I really liked, such as the music, the funny characters, and I love a quest that makes them wander all over town. There's actually a lot of good parts, but I was just confused by some of it. Does Roxy live in Chicago or NYC? It seems like they are at her apartment eating food in NYC. The restaurant he worked at, was that in Chicago or NYC? Also, I didn't like the song they danced to, musically speaking. However, much of the movie seems realistic. Just perhaps a little rushed sometimes? In the beginning, they could have shown quickly that a year had passed. I love the cast, especially Nikki Duval. Go ahead and watch it, but don't expect it to change your whole life. It's a comfort movie, which was probably the point. They can't all be Forrest Gump.
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