Twenty years ago today, Ghost Ship sailed into theaters and unleashed an unforgettable opening sequence that instantly entered the annals of all-time great cold opens. The stylish introduction ends with an unexpected shock and an insanely high body count. Perhaps it was a bit too effective; that high kill count quickly slows down once Ghost Ship jumps ahead to the present.
No matter the film that followed, this cold open deserves its place among horror’s best opening sequences.
The Steve Beck-directed horror movie was the third release under the genre label Dark Castle Entertainment and his sophomore feature follow-up to 2001’s Th13teen Ghosts. Released in theaters on October 25, 2002, Ghost Ship followed a salvage crew seeking riches from a long-missing Italian cruise ship, the Ms Antonia Graza, only to discover its haunted past shortly after boarding.
The cold open teases some harrowing events that led to the ocean liner’s disappearance forty years ago.
No matter the film that followed, this cold open deserves its place among horror’s best opening sequences.
The Steve Beck-directed horror movie was the third release under the genre label Dark Castle Entertainment and his sophomore feature follow-up to 2001’s Th13teen Ghosts. Released in theaters on October 25, 2002, Ghost Ship followed a salvage crew seeking riches from a long-missing Italian cruise ship, the Ms Antonia Graza, only to discover its haunted past shortly after boarding.
The cold open teases some harrowing events that led to the ocean liner’s disappearance forty years ago.
- 25/10/2022
- Meagan Navarro के द्वारा
- bloody-disgusting.com
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