Echo most of the negative reviews posted here. Like them, I am a fan of Harry Enfield/Paul Whitehouse, so this new series is a real mess. There is potential, Enfield/Whitehouse are cynically aware (I Saw You Coming) but the sketches are sloppily written, poorly developed and lack punchlines. I quite like the Polski girls because it's clear the customer fancies them and they treat him politely but with obvious disinterest so that he always leaves the cafe confused. I liked the Abramovich send-up but after a while versions of the same sketch pall.
But it's a show which could have done with more creative input and editing. I flicked through one of Harry Enfield's old books and he would leave out poorly received sketches after unfavourable reactions from the studio audience. One can only surmise that the sketches not included must be worse than the very hit-miss ones included. The Nelson Mandela sketches are appalling.
But I kept checking my watch during the last episode, almost willing it to end and be put out of my misery.
The sad fact may be after his disappointing SKY show, Harry and his comedy partner Whitehouse have simply run out of gas and ideas. Comedy dates quickly and perhaps time has caught up with this once great duo. Previous characters would gradually leave a mark on the nation's consciousness (Stavros, Loadsamoney, Mr Don't, Tim Nice But Dim, the Slobs) but none in the present show will be remembered with any great fondness.