The Pelican and the Snipe has a lot of things going for it, it's not perfect and not a favourite but it is very good nonetheless. Personally I was mixed on the narration, it is very well written, is entertaining and humorous and Sterling Holloway voices brilliantly, but sometimes the short did feel over narrated, we didn't need to know everything that was going on because we could see it for ourselves. For example telling us that Monte is a somnambulist when we can clearly see it. The Pelican and the Snipe is very well-animated though, with vibrant as well as atmospheric colours and fluid background art, and the music is lushly orchestrated without being syrupy and there is plenty of character and energy without being at odds with the serious overall tone of the short. The story, apart from a couple of heavy-handed moments, has its charm and the friendship between Monte the pelican and Vidi the Snipe is unlikely but quite touchingly depicted, and in a way that is very much relevant now. It has a point and message to make and makes it without talking down to the audience too much. And Monte and Vidi are both believable characters that anybody can identify with, their friendship is believably done as well. Overall, sometimes over narrated and a touch heavy-handed at times but well-animated, relatable, solidly written, surprisingly relevant and well-scored. 8/10 Bethany Cox