I liked this episode. Jill Soloway is my third favorite writer on this show and so her episodes are always good. My only problem with this episode (and season thus far) is that it seems like the funeral home has really been put on the back burner. Sure, stuff takes place there but it really doesn't have much to do with the show this season, ESPECIALLY in this episode. The character who dies in the beginning had nothing to do with the rest of the episode, she was mentioned once early in passing and never talked about again. It felt like they just threw her death in there cause they had to, but really didn't want to. There was no discussion about her or her life or how it related to the rest of the episode. I guess you could say the book she was reading or something but that is so minor compared to how the writers did things in the first season (at least that's how I remember it). It just seems they want to get away from being about a show about death and how these characters live with it to a show about these characters simply live and this episode has been the biggest example of that to me so far.