I loved the period aura, the clothes, the cars, the projection of opulence with a hint of malevolence. All that, I'm sure was targeted by the writers and producers of the show. I congratulate them on their creation and its entertainment quotient. They succeeded on those obvious levels.
That said, and because I'm fascinated by the history of this period and that rotation of the earth that was the Cuban Revolution, as well as the history of Florida in general, I'm hoping that, going forward, the show concentrates a bit more on the actual history of the epoch weaving into the plot line those elements of change which impacted our country politically and culturally. If the creators and producers of the show do that, this show has the potential for real societal relevance. I have the feeling that historical relevance mixed with period accuracy in terms of setting, costumes, props, and dialog have the ability to make this show stand out as significant. At the end of the day, if it's only entertaining there will be an opportunity cost to be paid in sad coinage. In my opinion, that would be too bad.
I've watched the 1st three "teaser" episodes and liked them very much. Now I'm hoping this show can step into the heavyweight division. I think it is quite possible that it could.
Rick G. - California