In my 61 years, I have seen many science fiction films. Few have exceeded my expectations as this film did. I remember seeing it in a theater (something I rarely trouble myself with these days), and finding myself at times gripping the armrests in excitement. This film builds like great stories should. However, even the best stories can collapse under the weight of a bad script, poor acting, or shoddy editing. I'm happy to say that none of these issues plagued this film. Ms. Foster delivers an extremely powerful performance and is a wonderful role model for women in science. All of the other actors also deliver memorable performances, but make no mistake, it is Ms. Foster's polished performance you will be thinking about when this film ends.
Much has been made of the last 1/4 of this film, with many viewers feeling a let down. I get that. The amazing build up and tension in the third quarter of the film is quite unexpected, but if you approach the final quarter thoughtfully, you'll see that it makes perfect scientific sense. That's rare in any science fiction film pitched to mass audiences. As such, this film makes an amazing contribution to the entire genera.