Note: all you guys who think G^3 had a photographic memory, you're not getting it: he could understand and master a topic just by reading about it. If he read about flying, he could fly an aircraft by the seat of his pants, if he read about soccer he could juggle a soccer ball (or whatever those kickball players call it when you keep tapping a ball into the air). It's the same plot device as when Chuck had programs uploaded, then he could master new Kung Fu moves.
The Delphi Bureau was THE oracle for the Prez. If he needed an answer, he called Sybol, and she called G^3, who was the antithesis of the 70's action hero. Whereas other detectives would punch and shoot, G^3 used his brain, and the episodes flowed a bit smarter than anything else on the air at the time.
I was so enamored the first time I saw this movie that when the rerun came I wrote down the recap. That was forty years ago. Here goes, to the best of my memory:
From Washington came a young man, to uncover some worms in a can. They con him, they frame him, for murder they blame him. In turn he eludes them, pursues, then eschews them, till he holds all the keys to their plan. The End, more or less, Delphian.