Yakima Canutt] I never, in all the time I worked with Yak, I never saw a guy get hurt if they did what Yak told them to do. They tell me Yak got hurt one time over at MGM, a mule fell back on him-on
Boom Town (1940). That was just a freak accident thing, but I'm talking about things he would rig up. For instance, he'd hook a four-up to a wagon, then come down a road and you'd see him bend 'em, he had a way of pulling the kingpin which let the horses loose and he'd go with the horses and the wagon would just pick itself up and wrap itself around a tree. The guy somehow had a knack for rigging the thing where he got just the effect he wanted. He'd jump from the stagecoach boot to the first team, then the second team, then go underneath and crawl back up on the coach again. He's a perfectionist when it comes to figuring out a stunt and how to get the maximum out of it. Still, it's safe for everybody involved in it, if they do what he tells them to do.