For a public building, those long, dimly lit corridors have shocking fire safety provision. Poor Kayla ran around sobbing for ages and I didn't see a single well-signposted Fire Exit. It's a lawsuit just waiting to happen.
Being a lifelong wrestling fan, and clearly a good, loyal WWE consumer, I would have rushed out to see a wrestling star in a horror film...
Sorry Vince, I've not seen The Marine either. (Although Triple H was ok in Blade or whatever)
The opening credit sequence is actually pretty good - a ghastly array of tools, some medical, others less erm... less wholesome, many still dripping with blood. Intersperse this with shots of organs and other random pickled parts and it all goes along with the tense music to set a good tone.
But I fear, is the only way down from this promising start?
Now I like to think of myself as fairly open minded sexually. I've tried a fair few things that would make Daily Mail readers weep. But necrophilia is definitely, unequivocally a hard limit.
I enjoyed the look on Tamara's face when, mid coitus, she notices that Jacob Goodnight isn't where he ought to be. Not so naughty now is it...?
"Oh my god, are you kidding me?! you (had sex) in a morgue!!?" Outraged Amy
"I thought he was dead!! - Tamara in response