This is the kind of late night cartoon I have a soft spot for. Yes it's over the top, yes it's dark and twisted, yes it can be revolting; but all these things are good when they're framed in funny jokes. I like the writing, I like it's fast pace, and I enjoy the premise. Bring on more death metal dog doing frocked up things with a panting smile.
I'm sure this cartoon pisses off a lot of people and I'm sure some people find it tasteless, but honestly I think if you're willing to look past some of the more "shock" stuff, or for some people (like me) actually enjoy them, you'll see there is still clever writing and solid absurd humour. I can't say I expect this to get super popular or even for it to go on for very long, but if you like death metal, slasher movies that have subtle and twisted comedy, dirty and manic cartoons, then I think you might be the kind of person that likes this. Not that those things are all related, except that they are all offbeat from the mainstream, snobs stick their noses up at it, but yet there's something about them that entertains some of us.