To be honest: I did not even finish this game. I am definitely a big fan of the evil dead trilogy and that was the main reason why I bought the game but I have to say that I have not been that disappointed by a movie-game since..let's say Terminator 3. The story begins in the well known little wooden house deep in the woods where you are introduced to the controls. One button for shooting, one for the chainsaw. Oh, and you can jump! Then you wake up in a hospital where you continue your work from inside the little house only that you now miss the chainsaw. That's pretty much it. The graphics are OK but everybody should know that the Xbox is able to provide something better. I think the most obvious problem of the game it s its lack of variety. No game developer can be sure of his game to become liked by gamers (even if they were movie fans) if his game only consists of running from one room to another where enemies that pretty much all look the same attack him. The best example of the boring game play is a situation in which ash (you) has to fight against the invisible evil that has followed him into the hospital and that is now throwing chairs, tables and doors on him. Your task is it to hold the L button and keep shooting. Almost 5 minutes takes the hold and shoot scene. You didn't even have had to watch what you were doing if you just kept hitting the button fast enough. sometimes funny are the finishing moves in which ash does some crazy moves with his guns but they keep repeating themselves a little too often to. So finally I think I have to advise you not to buy this game unless you don't want to have to think while playing a game and you are a blood-fetishist. But for any fan like me thinking this game could be any good just because "evil Dead" stands on the cover-you'll be disappointed. But I guess for those seeing "Evil Dead" on the cover and buying the game just because this fact is enough for them, if they are satisfied with playing their favorite movie character then I z'think I could also recommend this game to them.