I've seen most of the coverage of 9/11 attack, especially New York. In my opinion the work by the two French brothers, while mostly centered on FDNY, is the most comprehensive in terms of luck in being in the right place, and post event editing and narrative. Falling Man, is another that should not be missed since it is so troublingly poignant, and one can not watch it without considering what we the viewer might be forced to do in the same situation. Nat. Geo. And Nova have great work on how the buildings fell which either will convince the conspiracy theorists or leave them wallowing in their nonsense.
There is also some great work on the disfunction between the US air traffic control and the pentagon, as well of course the shocking incompetence of the CIA and FBI in ignoring the dozen of red flags going back to the 1990s (and experts say they are even more politicized and bigger bureaucratic messes today).
"Life under Attack" is a great addition, assembling a sizable amount of raw footage shot by amateur bystanders woven in with more professional raw footage from news crews. I recommend it.