This dear and simple story is the most wonderful film I have seen this year. The children are non-actors who bring a reality and wonder to this film that is sadly absent from American films, and you will be left in awe by their performances.
The story involves a little boy who must track down his friend to give him a notebook, or his friend may be kicked out of school. All along the way he is blocked from this quest to "do the right thing" but adults who are too stuck on their own silly business to listen to him and offer assistance. Instead of helping this sincere and good child, they do everything imaginable to block him. How very real this situation is, and how refreshing to see adults forced to examine the condescending way they communicate with children. The child Ahmed in this film is a refreshing hero for little boys... so much better than the smart-alleck and spoiled brats offered up in American films. It is a beautiful story, and it is a beautiful experience to sit and take in this magnificent film!