lyrics: "I Can't Wait", "Use Your Blinker", "How Could You", "This Is Just My Face", "Let Me Pet Your Dog", "I Know", "That Conversation", "The Drive-Thru Song", "One Thing", "Butts", "I'm Going to Bed", "The Golden Rule", "Take it Easy, Guys, Gals & Non-Binary Pals"
musik: "I Can't Wait", "Use Your Blinker", "How Could You", "This Is Just My Face", "Let Me Pet Your Dog", "I Know", "That Conversation", "The Drive-Thru Song", "One Thing", "Butts", "I'm Going to Bed", "The Golden Rule", "Take it Easy, Guys, Gals & Non-Binary Pals"
performer: "Let Me Pet Your Dog", "The Drive-Thru Song"